Some participants of the school volunteered to give a talk related to the usage of Mathematica applied to particular problems encountered in their research works. Below are the talks as well as some notebooks that these participants kindly volunteered to share. Riei Ishizeki spoke about Scattering of Single Spikes on day 1. Panagiotis Katsaroumpas gave a lecture on Comparing Spinorial Expressions Numerically on day 2. Florian Loebbert described how to compute Higher Charges by Brute Force on day 3. Also on day 3, Dmitri Bykov described the Off-shell Symmetry Algebra of the AdS_4xCP_3 Superstring. Till Bargheer explained how to find a Generating Equation for Integrable Charges on day 4 and Fabian Spill described Yangians of SL(n) and R-matrices also on day 4.