Questionnaire about the 2nd edition of the school | Mathematica Summer School on Theoretical Physics

Questionnaire about the 2nd edition of the school

This survey is very important to us. It will allow us to improve what can be improved and thus organize a better third edition of the Mathematica Summer School on Theoretical Physics. Please be so kind and spend two minutes filling it out! Thank you!

Please enter your name here

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Please select one of the above

Please indicate whether you would prefer more/less or equal time dedicated to each of the following:

Would you prefer more/less or equal time for this?

Would you prefer more/less or equal time dedicated to this?

Would you prefer more/less or equal time dedicated to this?

Would you prefer more/less or equal time dedicated to this?

What did you like most, i.e. what should we not change in the next edition?

What you liked least in the school, i.e what should we improve in the next edition.

Please enter here any comments you might have which are not covered by the points above.

Thanks a lot! Your feedback will be very useful. Please click submit.